1 pork chop
1/2 shallot
splash of olive oil
1 purple potato (set to baking as soon as I got home, allowing it a good hour plus of hot oven time)
1 broccoli stalk
I always feel best when my plate has sections for the elements - meat, vegetable, starch - and this diet has really enhanced that love. Had a lovely chat at work with a couple men who cook about sauce, and shallots came up. What a perfect garlic replacement! Sautee the shallots in oil until they're translucent. Sear the pork chop in their pan. Remove pork once seared and transfer to the hot oven for 10 minutes or so to cook through. The potato will be well baked by the time you throw the pork in the oven. Take this opportunity to remove its tin foil and get its elegant purple skin crisped. Steam the broccoli. Drizzle on some expensive extra virgin olive oil (I bought Merula, from Spain, primarily for the elegant raven on its tin can), salt, pepper. Burst open the potato and give it the same treatment. Stir your oil-shallot "sauce" and pour over pork. Revel in the purple of it all.
"a couple men who cook about sauce"